This paper generally discusses the intricate dynamics of Informal
Cross-Border Trade (ICBT) and its profound impact on KenyaUganda foreign relations. It is observed in this study that, Kenya and
Uganda share a similar history, geography and a distinct cultural
background, key to their social and economic relations. It is further
noted that Kenya plays a significant role in Uganda's history and vice
versa, sometimes influencing each other. Both countries are
significant trading partners, but mostly informally, which has
expanded in the post-independence period. This is attributed to their
shared history, culture, and geography. Since the pre-colonial
period, communities in the geographical area that came to be defined
as the border between the two countries engaged in informal trade.
The paper holds that, Informal Cross Border Trade along the KenyaUganda border has shaped the foreign relations between the two
countries. The study applied territoriality theory to interpret the
impact of ICBT on Kenya-Uganda foreign relations. The theory holds
that, each sovereign state has authority to manage resources within
its borders. The study used both primary and secondary sources.
This study demonstrates that ICBT, positively influences KenyaUganda foreign relations. It also expands knowledge on the impact
of ICBT on foreign relations