Aims: The aim of this study was to assess factors influencing psychosocial issues on intentional
organophosphate self-poisoning among persons aged 15-30 years in Kericho County, Kenya...
Study Design: The study adopted prospective cross-sectional study design and purposive
sampling technique.
Place and Duration of Study: The study was carried out in 3 level 4 health facilities (Kericho
County Referral Hospital, Kapkatet Sub- County Hospital and Sigowet Sub- County Hospital) in
Kericho County, Kenya. Which were systematically sampled base on the highest monthly workload
one year prior to the study period. The Study was carried out between December 2021 and March
2022 Methodology: The study involved 100 participants ranging in age from 15 to 30 years old (88
males and 12 females). It was a study of all cases of intentional organophosphate self- poisoning,
relied majorly on the diagnosis made by clinicians and doctors at emergency departments.
Participants were chosen based on the presenting symptoms and history from the respondents. All
respondents brought to hospital presenting to emergency department with a history of intentional
organophosphate self- poisoning were recruited for the study depending on their eligibility where
only respondents who were admitted and recovered after treatment were enrolled after signing or
assenting to the consent voluntarily.
Results: A sampled of 100 participants were eligible and managed to have 100% response rate.
According to the findings of the study, there was a statistical relationship between the parameters
since the chi square value were 0.001 which was less than the standard p value which is 0.05 at
95% confidence interval. Bivariate analysis showed a strong positive correlation was found between
self-poisoning and easy access to organophosphate (p<0.05, r=0.631). There was a positive
correlation between psychosocial issues organophosphate intentional self-poisoning. This indicated
that mental disorders and physically disabled individuals tended to self-harm with organophosphate
Conclusion: Train and employ more psychological counselors to be deployed to the villages and
initiate psychiatric screening programmes to facilitate the counseling and screening of those who
are at the risk of self-poisoning early enough. This is in commensurate with mental health
amendment bill June 2022 which has been passed by senate to give way for county government to
provide for prevention, care, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with mental illness.