Technical and vocational education training (TVET) provides knowledge and skills for
employment which sharpens human skills and improves quality, productivity, innovation
and efficiency. The major challenges in the Kenyan TVET system is lack of quality
training, none utilization of innovation techniques, not performing practical experiments
and also not using information communication technology fully for entrepreneurial skills
development. In the South Rift region, adequate quality training, practical
entrepreneurship curriculum, attitude towards entrepreneurship through innovation and
regular use of ICT knowledge has not been evaluated with the policies, lacking practical
approaches towards this gap. The objectives of the study were; to determine TVET
quality training effect on student‟s entrepreneurial development; to assess TVET
innovation effect on respondents‟ entrepreneurial development and to evaluate TVET use
of ICT knowledge impact on student‟s entrepreneurial development. The significance of
the study was that TVET could acquire entrepreneurship knowledge by use of
information and communication technology by use of e-learning, networking and digital
learning for global exposure which leads to knowledge-based economy. The study was
based on the neo-classical theory, the innovative theory, and the alert theory of
entrepreneurship. The study employed descriptive design in which a sample of 384
respondents was drawn from a total population of 10000. Structured questionnaires were
used in collection of data. Validity was assured by seeking expert opinion in order to
reduce questionnaire ambiguity before development of the final tools. A test re-test was
done by piloting the research instrument in Bureti Technical Institute in Kericho County
where Cronbach coefficient of 0.846 was obtained. The collected data were analyzed
both qualitatively and quantitatively by use of questionnaires. The study concludes that;
TVET quality training, innovative skills and ICT knowledge impact on student‟s
entrepreneurial skills development and practical skills. The study recommends that it is
TVET institution should improve on its ICT infrastructure since it reduces the cost of
operation and that they should collaborate through public private partnership so as to
enhance the quality of their graduates.