Drug abuse is becoming an increasing problem in Kenya. Several studies carried out in the country
have shown that almost all young Kenyans have experimentedon drugs. What causes concern is that a big
proportion of these young people eventually get addicted which affects theirhealth and safety, and at the same
time affects their families and the society at large.The purpose of this study was, therefore, to investigate the
role of guidance and counseling in addressing prevalence and commonly abused drugs. The study was guided by
the following objectives: to find out prevalence rates of drug abuse and commonly abused drugs among
university students and to investigate the role of guidance and counseling in addressing drugs and substance
abuse. The theories guiding the study were Social Cognitive Theory by Bandura (1961). Quantitative data was
collected through a structured questionnaire while qualitative data was collected through interviews. The
population of the study consisted of 6073 students at University of Kabianga. The sample was identified using
random sampling techniques. The sample used in the study was 176 and a pilot study of 20 participants was
carried in Kisii University- Kericho Campus who were not included in the sample to test the reliability of the
instruments. Content validity was ensured through intensive review of literature and comparison made with
prior validated studies and through research peers and psychology experts. The data obtained was analyzed by
use of descriptive using frequencies, means and standard deviations and inferential statistics using Pearson
Correlation Coefficient. Guidance and counseling was guidance and counseling was shown not to have played a
significant role in frequency of abusing drugs (r=-0.004, p=0.481 p>0.05, in addressing commonly abused drugs
(r=0.034, p=0.327, p>0.05) and in addressing availability of drugs (r=-0.061, p=0.212 p.0.05). However, the
relationship between the frequency of drug abuse and the commonly abused drug was significant (-0.426**,
p=0.000 p<0.05).In conclusion, it was found that the majority of students abused drugs because of their
availability, access and peer influence. The study recommends that guidance and counseling services should be
strengthened which includes interaction forums between students and the counseling officers.It also
recommends that counseling workshops, symposia, and conferences should be organized regularly for students
on the prevalence and effects of drugs and substance abuse.