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The Case of Legal Literacy for Teacher Education in Kenya

Show simple item record Ominde, Eliud 2025-03-08T12:50:07Z 2025-03-08T12:50:07Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Ominde, E. (2024). The Case of Legal Literacy for Teacher Education in Kenya. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2958-6305
dc.description Article Journal on Legal Literacy for Teacher Education in Kenya en_US
dc.description.abstract Legal literacy refers to an indispensable knowledge on legal matters that have a direct bearing on an individual’s responsibilities which enable them to function well in circumstances where relevant laws apply. In a true sense, legal issues that teachers encounter are the same ones bedeviling the society at large. The need to include legal literacy in teacher education is informed by the fact that cases involving school laws seldom address simple school related disagreements or right against wrong, but somewhat intricate issues surrounding the differing interests of students, parents, teachers the state and administrators within the school set up. Teachers are placed at a precarious position since they are entrusted with tremendous responsibilities of making resolutions that affect the civil liberties of students, parents and colleagues for those in administrative positions. For that reason, educators cannot afford to be ignorant of the edict since lack of legal understanding can lead to a superfluous risk exposure. The study employed cross-sectional survey design that made it possible for the researchers to collect data at a given point in time and allow for an investigation of the present level of legal literacy among Kenyan educators. The design also allowed for a comparison of the level of legal literacy between new and experienced teachers en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher nternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation en_US
dc.subject Legal literacy en_US
dc.subject Educational Law en_US
dc.subject Litigation en_US
dc.subject Plaintiff en_US
dc.subject Defendant en_US
dc.title The Case of Legal Literacy for Teacher Education in Kenya en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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